"If he trembled like Lot's wife and felt some
womanish need to see the nature of the sin behind him..."
See Genesis, 19, 24-26 : "...and then the Lord rained down fire and brimstone from the skies on Sodom and Gomorrah. He overthrew those cities and destroyed all... But Lot's wife, behind him, looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt".
Gen, 19,5 :crime of inhabitants of Sodom : "They called to Lot and asked him where the men were who had entered his house that night. Bring them out, they shouted, so that we can have intercourse with them"
"Whole towns wiped clean of Negroes; eighty-seven lynchings in one year alone in Kentucky;
four coloured schools burned to the ground;
grown men whipped like children;
children whipped like adults;
black women raped by the crew,
property taken, necks broken ...."
"It was three in the afternoon on a Friday
so wet and hot Cincinnati's stench had traveled (!) to the country :
from the canal, from hanging meat and things rotting in jars,
From small animals dead in the fields, town sewers and factories..."
Cincinnati got his name from the Roman farmer Cincinnatus (450 B.Chr)
who became dictator, defeated the ennemy armies and
afterwards retired to his farm, without interest in glory and money.
"When he and his group combed the battlefields,
their job was to pull the Confederate wounded away from the Confederate dead..."