"...Scarlett's eyes turned to Rhett Butler, who leaned against a tree.
Has any one of you gentlemen ever thought that there is not a cannon factory south of the Mason-Dixon line ?
Or how few iron foundries there are in the South ?
Have you thought that we would not have a single warship and that the Yankee fleet could bottle up our harbours in a week, so that we could not sell our cotton abroad ?
Why, all we have is cotton and slaves and arrogance.
Sir, said Stuart heavily, what do you mean ?
Rhett looked at him with polite but mocking eyes.
I mean, he answered, what Napoleon - perhaps you've heard of him ?- remarked once ,
God is on the side of the strongest battalion.
Arrogant devil, isn't he, he observed, looking after Butler.
He looks like one of the Borgias.
Scarlett thought quickly but could remember no family in the County of Atlanta or Savannah by that name. I don't know them.
Is he kin to them ? Who are they ?
An odd look came over Charles' face, incredulity and shame struggling with love.
Love triumphed as he realised that
it was enough for a girl to be sweet and gentle and beautiful, without having an education to hamper her charms, and he made swift answer :
The Borgias were Italians.
Oh, said Scarlett, losing interest, foreigners. "