
JAMES JOYCE ULYSSES "The holy trinity according to Arius"

"Is that then the divine substance wherein Father and Son are consubstantial ? Where is poor dear Arius to try conclusions ?" (p.43) 

For furter information see Karen Armstrong, A History of God : "The controversy had been kindled by Arius : how could Jesus Christ have been God in the same way as God the Father ? Arius was not denying the divinity of Christ; indeed, he called Jesus "strong God" and "full God", but he argued that it was blasphemous to think that he was  divine by nature : Jesus had specifically said that the Father was greater than he. The very fact that Jesus had called God his "Father" implied a distinction; paternity by its very nature involves prior existence and a certain superiority over the son. Arius als emphasized the biblical passages that stressed the humility and vulnerability of Christ.
The priority must be to oppose Arius, who declared that the Son was entirely distinct from
God and of a fundamentally different nature" (p.107-112)

See also Dan Brown, De Da Vinci Code : "Tijdens die versmelting van religies moest Constantijn de nieuwe christelijke traditie versterken, en hij hield een oecumenische bijeenkomst, die bekend zou  worden als het Concilie van Nicea. Op deze bijeenkomst werd over veel aspecten van het christendom gediscussieerd en gestemd; over de datum van Pasen , en natuurlijk over de goddelijkheid van Jezus. Wacht eventjes. Wilt u zeggen dat de goddelijkheid van Jezus het resultaat van een stemming was ?" (p.224)