
D H LAWRENCE, about school & education ("Women in Love" 1920).

"Tomorrow was Monday. Monday, the beginning of another school-week ! Another shameful, barren school-week, mere routine and mechanical activity. Was not the adventure of death infinitely preferable ? Was not death infinitely more lovely and noble than such a life ? A life of barren routine, without inner meaning, without any real significance. One could not bear any more of this shame  of sordid routine and mechanical nullity. She had had enough. One could look out on the great dark sky of death with elation, as one had looked out of the class-room window as a child, and seen perfect freedom in the outside." (p.193)

"I beg to resign my post as class-mistress in the Willey Green Grammar School. I should be very grateful if you woud liberate me as soon as possible..." (p.317)

Yes. You cannot go back to the teaching. No, he shrugged his shoulders, that is impossible. Leave that to the canaille who can do nothing else. You are an extraordinary woman, why should you follow he ordinary course, the ordinary life ? " (p.457)